Benefits of Organizing


Stop for a minute and think of your messiest hidden space. You know the space - the one you don't want anyone else knowing about! How many times have you opened up that closet, cabinet, or drawer and felt totally overwhelmed? You cringe and quickly close the door, hoping it will tidy itself by the time you open the door again. Unfortunately, it never does!

While others may not be able to see those cluttered, untidy spaces, they always weigh on our minds. Sure, it's likely not something you walk around the house consciously  worrying about. But it's there, like a constant, nagging pest. You avoid accessing that space for fear of what may come tumbling out on you. You dread that overwhelming feeling of being reminded once again of your need to organize that space.

Now, imagine having that space decluttered, tidy, and neatly organized. You can almost feel the relief, can't you?!

Someone once asked me a question that made me stop in my tracks...

"Why organize it when no one sees it?"

At first, I was flabbergasted that someone would even dare think that! My thought was why would you NOT organize every aspect of your life?! Of course, I quickly realized that not everyone thrives on organization like I do. Some people simply don't see the point of it. This is unfortunate.

Organizing isn't just for the open spaces - it's for the hidden spaces too!

Here are a few simple, logical reasons why you should organize behind closed doors:

It Saves Time

"I don't have time to organize!" On the contrary, you can't afford NOT to organize! Having an organized home and life actually saves you time!

On average, we spend 10 minutes each day searching for things! Ten whole minutes!!

Now, imagine taking 10 minutes out of your day to organize a space. Most likely you won't be able to clean an entire closet in 10 minutes, but you can get started! Something is better than nothing. You can do a lot of organizing in only 10 minutes!

When everything has a place and everything is in it's place, you'll know exactly where to look for things when you need them. No more wasting precious minutes looking for things.

Sanity & Peace of Mind

Cluttered, disorderly spaces only bring anxiety and more stress. By decluttering and cleaning up these areas, you now can have peace of mind in knowing exactly where things are when you need them! No more anxiety upon opening up your closet! No more worrying that someone might open up a cabinet and reveal your chaos!

Increases Productivity

Having messy spaces that we avoid or dread accessing has an amazing impact on us psychologically. Until those areas are dealt with, there is a constant unrest in the back of our minds, most times we don't even realize it's there. This mental clutter weighs us down and makes us less productive in life.

By becoming organized in these hidden areas, we free up mental space that will allow us to be more productive in other areas our lives.

It's Foundational to an Orderly Life

Think of your hidden spaces as a foundation. If the foundation is bad, the whole structure will eventually come crumbling down. Likewise, when we only organize our lives on the surface and don't deal with the unseen areas, it will only be a matter of time before we're a complete mess! Organizing the hidden, seemingly small areas of our home and life, we set a precedent for the other areas of our lives. When we take care of the little things, it's so much easier to take care of the bigger things!

If your hidden spaces are decluttered, tidy, and organized, your whole life will feel more orderly!


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